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In The Boat e-Learning Module

Dive in and explore aquaculture!


This module is a great supplement to the Aquaculture Ag Mag! Learn about fish farming and lifecycles and meet a real fish farmer.

Up Close Experience: Combines

The use of combines simplifies the work farmers must do to harvest their crops. By creating these efficient machines, we can access abundant food in the United States! Take an up-close look at a combine with this 360 video experience!

Celebrating and Marketing Ag and Food Events using Google Slides

In Promote Local Events Using Google Slides, students learn how to organize and promote a community event while learning how to use Google Slides.


Best for Middle - High School

Explore Career Paths in Local Industries using Google Docs

In Explore Career Paths in Local Industries, students will use research to identify potential careers in local industries and prepare to conduct an informational interview using Google Docs.


Best for Middle - High School

In the Workplace: Careers in Agriculture

Welcome to the "In the Workplace: Careers in Agriculture" Course! Did you know that there are hundreds of career opportunities within agriculture? Agriculture touches every corner of our lives, from the food we eat to the clothes we wear. It’s an exciting profession to work in! Today you will have a chance to learn all about careers in agriculture. We will chat with farmers, scientists, educators, and businesspeople to learn more about how you can be involved in agriculture someday!

In the Hive with the Beekeeper

Did you know that honeybees are responsible for pollination? Today, we will learn all about bees and their role in our daily lives. You’ll get to visit some actual beehives and even meet a beekeeper!

“Hero for the Hungry” Educator’s Guide

This guide was developed to accompany the book, Hero for the Hungry: The Life and Work of Norman Borlaug. Hero for the Hungry is a moving and informative biography of the 20th-century American agriculture scientist whose innovations in crop varieties founded the Green Revolution and fed hundreds of millions of people around the world.

There are 13 lessons for grades 6-10.

Career Curriculum Guide

Curriculum for 6th through 8th graders all about the diverse careers in agriculture.

Bid or Bust: The Auction Experience |  6th - 8th Grade Lesson Plan


1. Learners will understand the role and responsibilities of an auctioneer.

2. Learners will experience how an auction works.

3. Learners will learn about people involved in auctions: bidders, buyers, sellers, and attendees.



• CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.6.NS.C.7. Understand ordering and absolute value of rational numbers.

• CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.6-8.1. Pose and respond to specific questions with elaboration and detail by making comments that contribute to the topic, text, or issue under discussion.

• CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.6-8.6. Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks, demonstrating command of formal English when indicated or appropriate.

In the Parlor with Dairy Farmers (Ag Mag Supplement)

Welcome to the In the Parlor with Dairy Farmers virtual tour! Today, we’ll be expanding on what we learned while reading the Dairy Ag Mag. You’ll get to explore dairy farms with some dairy farmers as your personal tour guides! 

Educator Led Erosion Demonstration

Use this activity to help explain how ground-cover can prevent erosion and loss of valuable top-soil

Cattle Ranch Riddle Challenge - Lesson Packet

Use this lesson guide as you begin implementing the Cattle Ranch Riddle Challenge!

Protect the Pollinators Challenge - Lesson Packet

This lesson packet walks through the lessons for the Purple Plow Protect the Pollinators Challenge. 

Feeding Minds Cultivating Growth Educator’s Guide

This lesson plan series has been developed with the middle-school educator in mind. The three selected books are appropriate for middle-school readers, and the content lends to important discussion about issues relevant to young learners. The resources reinforce an accurate image of the agricultural industry, as determined by the American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture (AFBFA), while inviting students to explore important concepts related to personal growth. Regardless of your primary subject area, you have an opportunity to support learning with these fun, relevant resources.

Agriculture & The Environment Lesson Plans

This resource was designed to engage middle school students in discovery and exploration of topics related to agriculture and natural resources. Inside you’ll find six engaging lessons; each made up of a teacher’s guide, background information for the student and student engagement sheets. 

Student Reflection Sheet: Purple Plow

Allow your students to reflection and react to their Purple Plow experience using this guide!

Bringing Biotech to Life - All Lessons

“Bringing Biotechnology to Life” is a resource for science educators and others interested in learning more about biotechnology and its role in food production. This unit of instruction addresses national learning standards for 7th–10th grade, yet the interest level may be much broader. 

Sustainable Agriculture: What is Sustainable Agriculture? PowerPoint

Use this powerpoint with the Sustainable Agriculture: What is Sustainable Agriculture? Lesson 1

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